A virtual meeting via Microsoft Teams  

Why this workshop: This is a virtual workshop to introduce interested parties to the SBAPP Regional Project and specifically its component on ecological condition.

The expected output of this component is to improve existing and create new accurate spatial data on terrestrial ecological condition at both national and regional levels. Improved spatial data will be used to inform the assessments of ecosystems and species threat status, as well as local to national level restoration, planning, and management activities for degraded ecosystems and biodiversity. This workshop serves as an introduction to the current ecological condition and land degradation research and available datasets in southern Africa.

We are seeking collaborators who share an interest in mapping ecological condition across southern Africa. The workshop will serve to bring together researchers in this field of research and identify synergies and gaps, and to obtain a broad range of views on the best approach to take over the next four years.

We are also conducting a survey in preparation for the virtual workshop that includes questions around the respondents’ expertise and knowledge of datasets in the field of ecological condition and land degradation. The survey aims to gather information about the respondents’ interests and knowledge in the field, including their familiarity with various datasets and biomes within southern Africa. By answering the survey questions, respondents will help us tailor the virtual workshop to their needs and interests, ensuring that they get the most out of the experience. The survey will be an opportunity for respondents to share their expertise and contribute to the success of the virtual workshop.

Here is the link to the survey: https://forms.office.com/r/WDFc8w25tG

We would highly appreciate your response to the survey by Friday 10 November 2023.

For more information about the SBAPP ecological condition and land degradation project, please visit: https://science.uct.ac.za/seec/sbapp-ecological-condition.

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