View of facilities, incl. parking, restaurant, entrance, information desk and souvenir shop

Parking for buses and cars is available within a secure parking area.

On payment of an entrance fee, visitors may go to the restaurant, plant sales and toilets. From here you can wander around the beautiful Garden and walk the trails on the estate.

conference venue is available near the restaurant and may be booked for functions or exhibitions of various kinds.

If you have an appointment with a staff member you should visit the Garden offices.

Also found in this section of the Garden is the common sugarbush, the Cape sugarbird, the striped mouse and porcupine.

View over Garden from Fynbos Trail

Protea repens, the common sugarbush or suikerbos, is widely distributed through most of the fynbos. It grows to 4.5 m and the flower colour varies from cream to pink and sometimes cream with pink to reddish tips. The flower heads contain considerable quantities of nectar, which was once collected and boiled down to form a syrup used as a sweetener and as a medicine. The nectar is popular with the Cape Sugarbird. These birds are important pollinators of many protea species.

Some proteas, however, such as Protea pudens, are pollinated by small rodents such as the striped mouse, which can quite often be spotted in the Garden during the day. Although they sometimes feed on nectar and insects, seeds form the main part of their diet.

The porcupine, which is the biggest South African rodent, is a nocturnal visitor to the Garden. There is always evidence of its visits to the Garden as the remains of prized bulbs and arum lilies, which are its favourite food items, are often found scattered in the beds. Occasionally one of its distinctive black and white striped quills may be seen.

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