Head Office
Postal address
South African National Biodiversity Institute,
Private Bag X101,
South Africa
Physical address: 2 Cussonia Ave, Brummeria, Pretoria.
Biodiversity reception: 012 002 5201
Herbarium reception: 012 002 5200
Fax: +27 (0)12 804 3211
View direction to SANBI Head Office on Google maps
SANBI Cape Town Office
Postal address
Private Bag x7,
South Africa
Physical address: Kirstenbosch NBG, Rhodes Drive, Newlands, Cape Town.
Tel: +27 (0)21 799 8800
Fax: +27 (0)21 762 3229
Also see Frequently asked Questions (FAQs) for further contact details.
General inquiries
Pretoria: +27 (0)12 002 5200 / +27 (0)12 002 5201
Cape Town: +27 (0)21 799 8800
Addresses for SANBI Gardens are listed on their home pages.
Free State National Botanical Garden
- Tel.: +27(0)51 436 3530
- E-mail: FSNBG@sanbi.org.za
Hantam National Botanical Garden
- Tel.: +27 (0) 27 2181200
- E-mail: Hantam@sanbi.org.za
Harold Porter National Botanical Garden
- Ticket office: 087 260 9755
- E-mail: Harold.Porter.NBG@sanbi.org.za
Karoo Desert Nationa Botanical Garden
- Tel.: +27 (0)23 342 1298
- E-mail: Karoo-Desert-NBG@sanbi.org.za
Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden
- Ticket office: 021 799 8782 / 021 799 8602
- Information office: 021 799 8783 / 021 799 8773
- E-mail: KirstenboschInfo@sanbi.org.za
KwaZulu-Natal National Botanical Garden
- Tel.: +27(0)33 344 3585
- E-mail: KZN-NBG@sanbi.org.za
Kwelera National Botanical Grden
- Tel.: +27 43 737 0061/0071
- E-mail: kweleranbg@sanbi.org.za
- Tel.: +27(0)13 752 8880
- E-mail: LNBGinfo@sanbi.org.za
Mokopane Biodiversity Conservation Centre
- Tel: 074 074 5879
- E-mail: M.Howitt@sanbi.org.za
- Tel.: +27(0) 12 339 2700
- E-mail: infonzg@sanbi.org.za
Pretoria National Botanical Garden
- Tel.: +27(0)12 002 5201 / +27(0)12 002 5200
- E-mail: pretoriagarden@sanbi.org.za
Thohoyandou National Botanical Garden
- Tel.: 015 962 4258
- E-mail: TNBG@sanbi.org.za
Walter Sisulu National Botanical Garden
- Tel.: +27(0)86 100 1278
- Alternative number: 079 778 3851 (in use after hours, or as needed)
- E-mail: Sisulugarden@sanbi.org.za
Venues for hire
Many of SANBI's Gardens have venues for hire available to the public. To book a venue for events including conferences, weddings and other functions please contact the Gardens or venues directly or visit each Garden's page.
Research and Human Capital Development Programmes
Visit the Biodiversity Science pages and Human Capital Development pages for contact details of the various programmes, or use the Staff Contact Facility to contact staff members in these programmes.
Staff members: To send emails to SANBI staff members please make use of the Staff Contact Facility. Alternatively you can try this format: initial.surname@sanbi.org.za.
For formal enquiries in terms of the Promotion of Access to Information direct enquiries to SANBI's Deputy Information Officer: Jimmy van Zyl.
Postal Address: SANBI, Private Bag x7, Claremont 7735. South Africa.
- SANBI PAIA Manual [English]
Ethics and fraud hotline reporting channels
SANBI has zero tolerance of fraud, corruption, financial mismanagement and other forms of malpractice by its staff or by third parties associated directly or indirectly with its operations or projects. To report suspected fraud at SANBI:
Tel.: 0800 160 999
WhatsApp: 0860 004 004
SMS number: 48691
Free post: BNT165, Brooklyn Square, 0075
E-mail: sanbi@behonest.co.za
Website and chat link: www.behonest.co.za
Environmental and/or social harms and gender discrimination
SANBI has zero tolerance for environmental and/or social harms and gender discrimination arising from SANBI’s activities. To report complaints on environmental and/or social harms and gender discrimination:
Email: safeguards@sanbi.org.za
SANBI's Environmental-Social-Gender Complaints Flowchart
SANBI’s Gender Mainstreaming Policy.
Website enquiries
E-mail: webmaster@sanbi.org.za (Strictly for website queries)