Date: 01/03/2019
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Kirstenbosch Old Mutual Centre
Kirstenbosch | SANBI

You are invited to attend a meeting to be held at on Friday 1 March, from 8.30am until 2.00pm at Kirstenbosch Old Mutual Centre, This will mark the start of the CAPE Legacy Project, a participant-driven evaluation of CAPE.

Cape Action for People and the Environment – CAPE: 

CAPE is a partnership programme consisting of government and civil society organisations which was formed around a 20-year vision for conserving and restoring the biodiversity of the Cape Floristic Region (CFR) and the adjacent marine environment, while delivering significant benefits to the people of the region.

Why the Legacy Project?

As we now head towards the 20th year of CAPE’s work, its partners have called for a reflective look at its legacy: its impacts, evidence for these and lessons learnt. All of this should provide a basis for visioning for the future.

The 01 March event:

The Legacy Project seeks to review the last 20 years and explore questions of lasting impact, in a way that engages the CAPE network and community in reflection, discussion and thinking together about the future. The event on 01 March will start this process of community reflection, engagement and evaluation and is the first of several engagements to be held over the coming year.

Who is the 01 March event for?

All CAPE role-players and supporters and partners, past, current and future are invited to participate. Please do share this invitation with others who may be interested in attending.

What will the 01 March event do?

This event will kick-start the Legacy Project with a look at the past and current context(s) of conservation in CAPE’s bioregions. Early findings will be shared for discussion, as will questions for the year ahead. Finally, opportunities will be created to reflect on the CAPE experience and share stories which will be taken as input to the evaluation.

Other ways you can contribute:

If you are unable to attend, or even if you are able to attend, please consider writing a brief reflection on your CAPE experience and thinking and share it.  These contributions will be used to inform this event, and the Legacy project beyond. For more information about the CAPE Legacy Project, or to share your reflections, please contact Malukhanye Mbopha, tel: 021 799 8404; email:, or Sue Soal:

RSVP for agenda planning and catering purposes:

Malukhanye Mbopha, tel: 021 799 8404; email:, or Sue Soal:

Who is on the team?

Sue Soal, Tracey Konstant, Geordie Ractliffe (Singizi Consulting) and Malukhanye Mbopha and Shahieda Davids (SANBI), in collaboration with CAPE CIC Exco.

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