All Members of The South African Society of Artists can still take advantage of the Members’ 1 Exhibition which starts on the 1 March 2024. Hanging day will be on the morning of 1 March.
This exhibition allows each member of the Society to participate. Members may submit up to three of their own artworks of their choice, plus 4 portfolio works in the portfolio stand.
This self-selected exhibition is particularly advantageous to new members within the Society, to have the opportunity to show and sell their work, sometimes for the very first time. It gives them the confidence to submit works to all SASA’s other prestigious exhibitions.
The Exhibition will be held at the Richard Crowie Hall, Gate 2, Kirstenbosch Gardens, daily from 10h00 – 17h00.
For further information please contact The South African Society of Artists secretary, Nicole Riedler, on email