Legal framework

The South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) was established in terms of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, no 10 of 2004 and therefore our employment policy is based on this Act. In terms of this Act, the SANBI Board acting with the concurrence of the Minister of Environmental Affairs approves our conditions of service. Our Remuneration and Benefits Policy generally follows the Public Service Act of 1994 as amended by Act 30 of 2007.

What will you get

SANBI’s remuneration and benefit structures are grouped in terms of salary level as well as the type of appointment. When applying for employment at SANBI it is therefore important to determine the following of the advertised job:

  • Type of appointment, i.e. fixed term contract or permanent position
  • The salary notch and salary level
  • Benefits

Applicable to all staff

Unemployment Insurance Fund

In terms of legislation all employees are required to contribute. SANBI contributes the same amount.


Should there be a discrepancy between the information provided on this website and the policy and/or regulations, then the policy and/or regulations will apply. Users are encouraged to verify information for themselves with the policy and/or regulations. SANBI cannot accordingly be held responsible or liable for reliance placed upon incorrect information contained on this website.

Permanent appointments

  • Salary level 2 to10: basic salary and added to this benefits, for example: medical assistance benefit, pension
  • Salary level 11 and over: all-inclusive remuneration package, consisting of a basic salary, employer’s contribution to the SANBI Retirement Funds and a flexible portion
  • Transfer appointments: SANBI does not recognise transfer appointments

Benefits: Permanent appointments – Applicable to all salary levels:

SANBI Retirement Funds
  • Membership of the SANBI Retirement Funds is compulsory.
  • Benefits include: Group Life Assurance Benefits, Disability Benefits and Family Funeral Benefits. The benefits are paid from an insurance policy and the rules of the insurance policy apply. The employer pays the premiums of the insurance policies.
  • Members of the SANBI Retirement Funds contribute 7.5% of their monthly basic salary to the SANBI Retirement Funds. SANBI’s contribution is the same.
  • An additional contribution of 7.5% of the Annual Service Bonus is made to the SANBI Retirement Funds by the employee and SANBI.
  • New employees who decide to transfer their accumulations into the SANBI Retirement Funds may do so provided that their exiting fund rules permit this. The new employee remains responsible for the transfer process until such time as the SANBI Retirement Funds confirms receipt thereof in writing.
Vacation leave
  • 22 days per calendar year or reduced proportionately if appointment is less than a calendar year.
  • In the case of permanent appointments, after 10 or more years of service the leave changes to 30 days per calendar year.
Sick leave
  • 36 days per three-year cycle (new cycle starts 1.1.2019)

Benefits: Permanent appointments – Applicable to salary level 2 to 10

Annual Service Bonus
  • Paid together with the salary in the month that the employee has elected for the Annual Service Bonus to be paid;
  • In the case of new appointments, the Annual Service Bonus will be pro rated in the first year as payment is linked to the appointment date.
Housing Allowance
  • Information to be provided by the SANBI Human Resources Division
Medical Assistance Benefit
  • Employees who are appointed on a permanent basis between salary levels 2-10 are eligible for the Medical Assistance Benefit.
  • Paid to employees whilst in the service of SANBI.
  • There is no Medical Assistance Benefit at retirement for employees appointed on or after 1 January 2010.
  • It is a voluntary benefit.
  • To qualify for the Medical Assistance Benefit membership of the Government Employees Medical Scheme is compulsory.
  • Information about the Government Employees Medical Scheme can be found on the GEMS website.
  • Medical Assistance Benefit is 75% of the medical scheme contribution limited to a maximum of (effective date 1 January 2019): Single member: R1301.00 per month; Member with one dependant: R2602.00 per month; Member with two dependants: R3397.00 per month; Member with three dependants: R4192.00 per month; Member with four or more dependants: R4987.00 per month.

All-inclusive remuneration package: Permanent appointments (Applicable to salary level 11 and over)

The remuneration package comprises 3 components: a basic salary, the employer’s contribution to the SANBI Retirement Funds and a flexible portion. Employees can structure their packages within the following constraints. 

Salary level 11 Select your basic salary, either 75% or 70% of total remuneration package;
Salary level 12 Select your basic salary, either 76% or 70% of total remuneration package;
Salary level 13 and over Rules determine that the basic salary is 70% of total remuneration package;

SANBI Retirement Funds (SANBI Pension Fund and SANBI Provident Fund) Membership of both Funds are compulsory;

Flexible portion. You have the choice to structure the following: Motor Vehicle Allowance, Medical Assistance Benefit and Housing Allowance Benefit.

It is compulsory to structure an Annual Service Bonus and membership of the SANBI Retirement Funds.

Any remaining amount is automatically paid into the Non-pensionable Cash Allowance.

It is important to consider the tax implications when structuring your flexible portion, for example: Motor Vehicle Allowance and Medical Assistance Benefits.

Contract Appointments

Fixed term contract

  • Salary level 2 to 10: basic salary and added to this 37% to take the place of benefits
  • Salary level 11 and over: all-inclusive remuneration package, consisting of a basic salary and a flexible portion

Fixed term contract – all salary levels

Vacation leave 1,83 days for each month worked
Sick leave 1 day’s sick leave for each month worked

All-inclusive remuneration package: Contract appointments (Applicable to salary levels 11 and over)

Basic salary

Salary level 11 Select your basic salary, either 75% or 70% of total remuneration package;
Salary level 12 Select your basic salary, either 76% or 70% of total remuneration package;
Salary level 13 and over Rules determine that the basic salary is 70% of total remuneration package

Flexible portion. You have the choice to structure the following: Motor Vehicle Allowance, Medical Assistance Benefit and Housing Allowance Benefit. You may structure an Annual Service Bonus. Any remaining amount is automatically paid into the Non-pensionable Cash Allowance.

It is important to consider the tax implications when structuring your flexible portion, for example: Motor Vehicle Allowance and Medical Assistance Benefits.

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