Environmental/Biodiversity organisations are hiring 1050 graduates

N.B. Candidates are encouraged to visit the websites of the listed organisations. Please exercise a bit of patience, as some hosts are still in the process of preparing their adverts. In case of any challenges, kindly contact the Groen Sebenza Project Management Office (Tel.: 012 843 5101).

The Groen Sebenza Phase II Programme is a bridging into work programme funded to the value of R300 million for the next three years. GS Phase II aims to recruit 1050 unemployed graduates (from Diploma to PhD level) and place them nationally in different organisations (government and non-governmental) where they will be incubated (trained and mentored) to further develop their competence and confidence in the management of environment/biodiversity.

The programme goals are:

  1. Enable workplace-based learning for graduates aimed at building and strengthening their capacity at various levels.
  2. Creation of job opportunities and possible permanent placement beyond funding.
  3. Transformation and organisational strengthening - strengthen different organisational development aspects including transformation in its totality, mentoring, proactive skills and planning to better respond to organisational mandates and other national priorities.
  4. Research informed - through research, develop a ‘live’ skills intelligence system that will enable the sector to proactively plan for skills development and track and trace the utilisation of the developed skills.

What does this internship opportunity entail?

The programme aims to give 1 050 unemployed and underemployed youth the opportunity to gain meaningful workplace experience in the biodiversity/environmental sector through a structured programme based on the “incubator model” which involves intensive mentoring, together with skills development and training opportunities for a period of two (2) years.  The programme will target graduates. The appointed young professionals will be placed with over 80 host organisations for the duration of the project.

Who are the participating organisations and government departments and what numbers of ‘young professionals’ they will be hosting?

The South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) is pleased to announce a call for applications for incubation in the following organisations:

# Province Host Organisation Link to Website Fields No of Interns Required
1. Eastern Cape Albany Museum, Department of Freshwater Invertebrates www.am.org.za Freshwater biodiversity and conservation, water quality and systematics. 1
Buffelspruit Nature Reserve https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=585828271431754


Game management, Law enforcement, Environmental Education, Natural Resource. 2
Coega Development Corporation www.coega.co.za Safety, Health, Environmental & Quality, Sustainable development. 3
GEMM Leadership Academy https://ko-kr.facebook.com/pages/GEMM-Leadership-Academy/101847005880162 Conservation and environment(recycling, horticulture, landscaping) 2
Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency visiteasterncape.co.za Biodiversity & Conservation field (Head Office & Reserves), Scientific Services, Destination Tourism, People and Parks and Stakeholder Engagement, Legal. 40
Elundini Local Municipality www.elundini.gov.za Education & awareness, Clearing of alien Invasive species, Wetland protection, removal of waste & conservation of water sources. 15
Kouga Local Municipality www.kouga.gov.za Education & awareness, Biodiversity & protected areas 2
Winnie Madikizela Mandela Local Municipality www.winniemmlm.gov.za Environmental Education, EIA, Coastal Management and Maintenance of nurseries. 3
2. Free State Free State Province Department: Economic, Small Business Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs www.destea.gov.za Nature conservation and Environmental management 20
3. Gauteng Agricultural Research Council - Plant Health and Protection www.arc.agric.za/arc-ppri/Pages/ARC-PPRI-Homepage.aspx Biodiversity Management 5
BirdLife South Africa www.birdlife.org.za Avifaunal conservation (Landscape Programme) and within the Empowering People and community conservation field 3
City of Ekurhuleni www.ekurhuleni.gov.za Climate Change,  Water Resource Management, Project Management,  Environmental Engineering, Waste operations,  Landfill Management,  Environmental GIS, Social Geography, Environmental Education, Horticulture, Environmental Law, Environmental Compliance and Impact Management 20
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) www.csir.co.za GIS and RS Remote Sensing? of freshwater and estuarine realms 1
Delta Built Environment Consultant deltabec.com Environmental Science (Environmental Assessment Practitioner work) 3
Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment www.dffe.gov.za Ecologist 30
Environmental Assessment Practitioners Association of South Africa (EAPASA) eapasa.org/site Environmental Science and Management. 7
Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development provincialgovernment.co.za/units/view/28/gauteng/agriculture-and-rural-development Nature conservation and Environmental management, Climate Change, Biodiversity Management, Environmental Education, Air Quality, Waste Management and Impact Management. 25
IUCN www.iucn.org Biodiversity and Conservation, Climate Change and Resilience. 2
Johannesburg City Parks & Zoo www.jhbcityparksandzoo.com Integrated Catchment Management Nature Conservation Environmental Management /Science. 3
Khuselindalo South Africa NPC  T/A  Conservation South Africa ConservationSouthAfrica


Science communication, Biodiversity stewardship  within communal rangelands, project development and design, Project management and evaluation.
Plantago Lanceolata Pty Ltd sahris.sahra.org.za/organisations/plantago-lanceolata-pty-ltd Wetland delineations, Ecological studies, EIA and Water Use License Applications. 1
Prime Africa www.primeafrica.net Environmental science. 1
SANParks www.sanparks.org Conservation Biodiversity, Eco tourism and Socio Economic Transformation. 100
Sibayeni Metrofarming https://www.facebook.com/groups/569444793585072/ Agriculture 2
South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) www.sanbi.org Scientific research & assessments, biosystematics, policy advise and planning, conservation, environmental education and empowerment, project management. 121
The Endangered Wildlife Trust www.ewt.org.za Conservation Strategy, Conservation Standards and Miradi Monitoring & Evaluation. 1
The GreenMatter Partnership NPC www.greenmatterza.com Environmental education, intern/fellow coordination, project leadership and management. 3
Tshegofentse facilities & engineering www.tshegofentse.co.za Environmental management, waste management, water & waste treatment engineering,  sales & marketing, accounting. 3
Tshikovha Green and Climate Change Advocates Pty Ltdes Pty Ltd www.climateadvocates.co.za Environmental Impact Assessment, Waste Programmes, Mining Applications, Environmental Education and Awareness. 8
University of South Africa www.unisa.ac.za/sites/corporate/default Agricultural Economics, Botany and Zoology. 3
Wildlife Ranching South Africa (WRSA) www.wrsa.co.za Biodiversity Management, Monitoring and Planning. 21
4. KwaZulu-Natal Duzi-uMngeni Conservation Trust www.duct.org.za GIS, any water related field of study, geographical studies, social sciences, environmental education, water quality, organisational development, environmental journalism, project management. 5
Eco-Pulse Consulting www.eco-pulse.co.za Wetland management 1
Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife www.kznwildlife.com Biodiversity Conservation 20
Humana People to People in South Africa (HPPSA) www.hpp-sa.org Environment 8
Institute of Natural Resources NPC inr.org.za Research, collecting ecological data.

Interpret quantitative and qualitative data related to environmental parameters.

KwaZulu-Natal Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs www.kznedtea.gov.za Climate Change Management and Waste Management. 2
Mahlathini Development Foundation www.mahlathini.org Community based climate change adaptation, agriculture, rural development, hydrology and or soil science, engineering, agricultural economics, geography and environmental sciences. 1
uMgungundlovu District Municipality umdm.gov.za Management and implementation responsibility for climate change, waste or resource management to build a circular or green economy and environmental management of water, sanitation and disaster risk reduction. 2
University of Zululand www.unizulu.ac.za Geography or environmental education 1
WESSA 'The Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa' wessa.org.za Environmental Education, Environmental Education resource development, Research, Environmental governance and advocacy. 30
WILDTRUST (Wildlands Conservation Trust) wildtrust.co.za Design Sustainability Leadership Journey events. Reserve maintenance and management support. Supervising field guides & camp staff. Restoration project planning. Field mapping. Vegetation and wildlife monitoring. Youth supervision. Patrols. Design and preparation of content of educational materials. Training of staff and youth employed to deliver workshops. Community engagement. Surveillance monitoring & tracking. GIS Mapping. Biodiversity surveys and monitoring. Support and train whale time guides. Conduct and facilitate survey and monitoring activities. Development of whale-based tourism products. 19
5. Limpopo Kruger to Canyons Biosphere Region Non-Profit Company kruger2canyons.org Catchment Management Team, Community Science Monitoring and Training of Environmental monitors. 3
Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism www.ledet.gov.za Provincial protected areas management, biodiversity management, environmental impact management, integrated pollution and waste management, environmental compliance and enforcement, and environmental empowerment services. 30
Mabula Ground Hornbill Project ground-hornbill.org.za Conservation rearing facility; animal husbandry, ex-situ settings, ex-situ research. Monitoring of the species at the primary re-introduction sites; field skills, monitoring, research, stakeholder engagement. Aid with the education programme. 1
Southern African Wildlife College wildlifecollege.org.za Project Coordinator support and facilitation at regional and cluster level. Training and facilitation of capacity development of Community Engagement Teams in Transfrontier Conservation Areas. 2
University of Venda www.univen.ac.za Assist in GIS analysis, participate in GIS Unit research and community engagement projects. Data collection and analyses in plant ecologic projects (savanna restoration, invasive alien plants impact on biodiversity and ecosystem services). Running laboratory trials on invasive alien plants seed ecology and allelopathy. Assist in the running of the Vhembe Biosphere Reserve projects. 1
Waterberg Biosphere Reserve NPC en.unesco.org/biosphere/africa/waterberg Environmental Education 1
6. Mpumalanga Africa Green Earth Projects NPC petco.co.za/members/africa-green-earth-projects-npc Waste Recovery/Recycling  and River stream clean-up. 7
City of Mbombela www.mbombela.gov.za Climate change, waste management, Nature conservation. 2
Green Prince Foundation NPC www.developmentaid.org/organizations/view/430723/green-prince-foundation-npc Zoology, Herpetology, Water Resources, and Environmental Education. 5
Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency www.mpumalanga.com Nature conservation 10
Sabi Sand Nature Reserve www.sabisabi.com Ecotourism & Conservation 4
7. Northern Cape Department of Agriculture, Environmental Affairs, Rural Development and Land Reform (DAERL) provincialgovernment.co.za/units/view/85/northern-cape/agriculture-environmental-affairs-rural-development-and-land-reform Air Quality Management and Ecology 4
Indigo development and change indigo-dc.org Biodiversity conservation & Ecosystem based Adaptation, capacity development. 1
Namakwa District Municipality www.namakwa-dm.gov.za Environmental Management/Sciences 2
Pixley Ka Seme District Municipality www.pksdm.gov.za Research, site visit and report writing. 2
8. North West North West Provincial Department of Economic Development, Environment, Conservation and Tourism 018 388 2456 Botany, Environmental Education and Awareness. 2
University of Witwatersrand www.wits.ac.za Research 5
9. Western Cape Botanical Society botanicalsociety.org.za Research, fieldwork. 10
CapeNature www.capenature.co.za Biodiversity Science: Taxon science (birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, plants, mammals), Systematic conservation planning. 5
Contour Training Academy t/a Contour Enviro Group www.contourenviro.co.za Catchment management. Education. Conservation Training. 2
George Municipality www.george.gov.za


Biodiversity and Conservation, Environmental Management and Education. 2
Gouritz Cluster Biosphere Reserve www.gouritz.com GIS, social and scientific research, climate change project management, stakeholder engagement. 5
Knysna Municipality www.knysna.gov.za Horticulture and Invasive Plant Management. 1
Happy by Nature happybynature.com Cultivation and propagation of indigenous medicine plants; managing indigenous retail nursery; creating indigenous gardens; training of healthcare professionals, adults and children. 1
ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability-Africa NPC www.iclei.org.za Environmental Science (Climate Change, Energy, Circularity, Biodiversity, etc), Project Management. 1
Koffeekraal Uitspan 0217125010 Research into the effect and consequence of Veld Fires. 2
Laingsburg Local Municipality www.laingsburg.gov.za Environmental Education, Project Management, Environmental Management and Planning, Greening and Beautifying. 3
Langeberg Municipality www.langeberg.gov.za Environmental management, Parks and Amenities. 2
Lourens Holdings (PTY) Ltd https://sites.google.com/view/windsolarpower Surveying of densities, contract management, training monitoring. 2
Nature's Valley Trust www.naturesvalleytrust.co.za Horticulture. 1
NCC Environmental Services ncc-group.co.za Nature Conservation or Communication. 4
Nguni Nursery www.nguninursery.co.za Horticulture, Ecology, Crop Production, Human Resources. 2
Ohana Environmental Consultants & Projects ohanaenviro.co.za Environmental Impact Assessment Planning & Aquatic Assessments that include Risk Assessments. 2
SA Trails Network NPC www.satrails.co.za Conservation & transport 5
South African Education Project (SAEP) www.saep.org.za Environmental Education; Environmental Advocacy; Monitoring and Evaluation. 7
Stellenbosch University www.sun.ac.za GIS, Wetland Science 1
Stellenbosch University Botanical Garden www.sun.ac.za Botany, especially with conservation interest; Science Communication;  Horticulture or Plant Biotechnology; Landscape Architecture; Horticulture. 1
Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning www.westerncape.gov.za Biodiversity and Coastal Management. 4

How do I qualify for this placement opportunity?

The programme is aimed at unemployed young South African graduates.

Additional Requirements

  • Must be a SA citizen.
  • Young unemployed and underemployed professionals between the ages of 18 and 35.
  • Innovative, dynamic and creative
  • A commitment to career development in the environmental/biodiversity sector.
  • Must hold a relevant qualification as per minimum requirement advertised.
  • People with disabilities are also encouraged to apply.

NB: Opportunities are available in all provinces including provincial environmental departments, entities, municipalities, NGOs, private sector and Universities as per the first table in this document.

Internship monthly stipend values (no other benefits apply as these are internship positions)

Qualification  Stipend
Diploma R6 082
BSc R7 359
Honours R8 697
MSc R10 035
PhD R12 035

Candidates holding higher qualifications than advertised, may apply, however, remuneration is capped as per minimum requirements advertised.

How to apply?

To apply please visit the participating host organisations’ websites on the links provided in the table above:

The following documentation should accompany your submission:

  • One page letter of interest – this is not a reference letter (your letter of interest must indicate why you should be considered for the internship)
  • Full CV/ resume
  • Valid certified copies of highest qualification/academic record/transcript (certified copies should not be older than six months)
  • ID (certified as a true copy and should not be older than six months)

Contact details:
Groen Sebenza Project Management Unit
Tel.: 012 843 5101

*Underemployed refers to youth employed in another sector than the one they studied for as per the above listed fields.

SANBI reserves the right not to fill these internships. If no response has been received within 40 days of the closing date, candidates may assume that their applications were unsuccessful.

Closes: As per host organisations' advert
Location: South Africa

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