1. Environmental Theme Days and Weeks

The following environmental days/weeks are celebrated annually:

  • World Wetlands Week in February
  • World Water Week in March
  • Biodiversity Week in May
  • World Environmental Week in June
  • Arbor Week in September
  • Mandela Day in July

Celebrating Environmental Theme Days is a very important part of environmental education as keeping schools and communities involved helps the environment. Due to many environmental issues, environmental theme days assist in bringing attention to particular environmental issues affecting local, national and international communities through having annual themes, as well as focused efforts towards dealing with a particular issue are pulled together. The celebrations of environmental theme days take the form of lessons facilitated in the Garden as well as small events in schools and in the communities. They involve relevant partnership organisations, stakeholders and they aim to develop meaningful awareness and learning as well as leading participants into taking some form of environmental action.

2. Holiday Programmes

Special lessons are offered during the school holidays which include fun learning experiences for learners of all ages. In addition, two art workshops (one suitable for Foundation Phase and the other for Intermediate Phase learners) are facilitated during three school holiday periods (end of term 1, term 2 and term 3).

  • Biodiversity and Waste Art workshop – Learners will learn about Biodiversity and how waste is impacting on it. They will enjoy a guided walk in the Garden and go into the forest, fynbos and useful plants areas. They will learn how valuable biodiversity is to us. At the end of the walk, they will construct a stationery holder for their desks or a frame out of “waste” materials or anything they desire. These will be decorated with other recycled items or dried plants. Appropriate age group: Grade 4 – 6 (approximately 9 – 13 years).
  • Natures Treasure Hunt Box – Learners will take part in fun games, storytelling, and an exploratory walk in our magical Garden. Learners will be given the opportunity to discover the special treasures which nature provides. Back at the Gold Fields Centre, they will create and decorate their own treasure box, into which they will put the items they collect from nature.

Appropriate age group: Grade R– 3 (approximately 6 – 9 years).

Look out for the notices for these programmes on the SANBI website events page or SANBI social media pages.

3. Combating Biodiversity Crimes

The Combating Biodiversity Crimes Programme is done to raise awareness and understanding of biodiversity crimes and its impacts on people and the natural environment. Furthermore, to explore personal responses – encouraging personal responsibility to mitigate and report biodiversity crimes. This programme is aimed for youth and adults with more attention given to the communities around protected areas.  The programme is done in collaboration with Table Mountain National Park since 2020. The programme focuses on bark stripping and other illegal activities taking place in the Newlands Forest. Learners are made aware of the illegal activities taking place in and outside protected areas.

4. Communicating the NBA Findings

The National Biodiversity Assessment (NBA) Report is a primary tool for monitoring and reporting on the state of biodiversity in South Africa. It is used to inform policies, strategies and actions in a range of sectors for managing and conserving biodiversity more effectively. The findings of the NBA are included in our Kids in Gardens Programmes, Awareness-Raising programmes and Capacity Development programmes to ensure that the message, which is the findings of the NBA, reach the wider community.

Contact Us

Gold Fields Education Centre
Tel: 021 799 8670
E-mail Address: O.Khutsoane@sanbi.org.za

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